Comedy Movie Trailer. Two Companions (Madhavan and Sharman Joshi), searching for a missing friend. In their living, they face a bet that long-forgotten, disrupt a wedding and funeral. As they journey, a journey that the other begins: their inner journey through his memories of their free-thinking friend named Rancho (Aamir Khan), a unique way, touched and changed their lives. The story of their dorm about a romance between Rancho and Pia (Kareena Kapoor) and a dispute with his mentor, Viru Sahastrabudhhe (Boman Irani)
One day, suddenly, Rancho disappeared ... Who is he? Where's she from? Why did he go? My friends who influenced and inspired them to think creatively and independently, even when the conventional world called them three idiots. Where is the real idiot now? Finally, in the misty mountains of incomparable beauty, they found the answer